Using Coffee Grounds in Your Garden

Using coffee grounds in your garden by Dickerdo Farm

Here at Dickerdo Farm we are coffee lovers! Honestly, we are pour over coffee lovers.

Using Coffee Grounds in your Garden by Dickerdo Farm

We recently began incorporating our coffee grounds (and natural filters) in our composting. Our plan is to use the compost on our vegetable, herb, and flower gardens.

There are many benefits to using coffee grounds in your garden and compost. According to the Oregon State University ( coffee grounds can improve soil structure and are a great nitrogen source for composting. They also state that anecdotal evidence claims coffee grounds repel slugs and snails in the garden. The addition of coffee filters in composting adds an additional carbon source.

Using Coffee Grounds in your Garden by Dickerdo Farm

Did you know you can create a liquid fertilizer from your coffee grounds? By creating a coffee "tea" you can create this liquid fertilizer. Simply add 2 cups of used coffee grounds to a 5 gallon bucket of water. Let the "tea" steep for a few hours or overnight. Then apply to your garden.

Do you use coffee grounds in your compost and garden? I would love to hear your tips and advice! Leave a comment below (or on Instagram) with your tips, advice, and suggestions.