Honestly, I never knew this could happen.
I never imagined that in my middle aged years I would fall in love with... yep, you guessed it... CHICKENS!
If you would've told me at 10, 20, or even 30 years old, that I would sit and watch chickens, love on them, talk to them, and enjoy EVERYTHING about them... I would've laughed at you! But, here I am doing all the things I never imagined!
Seriously, these girls have won my heart!
I can't explain how they did it, but they did!
This year is our first year with chickens. Our son decided he wanted to raise them. He built their coop with his friend and now we are raising backyard chickens.
Our girls are still too young to lay eggs, but they have won my heart!
I mean, c'mon, have you seen the Chicken Stroller images floating around the internet? If you're a chicken lady, too, you must do a Google search for the images! I definitely NEED one!
Oh, what about the chicken swing? I think my girls need one of these, too! Ha! Ha! Ha!
I can't believe these three ladies have won my heart so quickly. They are a great addition to our small backyard farm!
Are you a Crazy Chicken Lady, too? I'd love to hear your confessions in the comments below...