Farm Envy is Real

Farm Envy is Real by Dickerdo Farm

You guys!!! Farm Envy is a real thing! Honestly, I feel it almost everyday as I scroll through my social media, view pictures online, and interact with others.

Farm Envy is Real by Dickerdo Farm

As we begin homesteading and backyard farming our 1/4 acre lot, I dream of more land with rows and rows of vegetables, flowers, goats, a cows, more chickens, some rabbits, barns, and green for miles! 

I realize more land means more work, but a girl can dream, right?

I should be happy with what we have, right?

I'm sure my friends and neighbors will let me help them on their farms, right?

Maybe I should stop looking and feeling envious of others. I should concentrate on using what I have to the best of my ability. I should concentrate on learning all I can to make the most of this 1/4 acre lot. Yep, that what I'll do...

But, hey, a girl can still dream! LOL :)