We Didn't Even Know We Were Homesteaders

We didn't even know we were homesteaders by Dickerdo Farm

It's kind of funny that we've been living this lifestyle for years and didn't even know it had a name! We didn't even know we were Homesteaders! Our friends called us Hippies. Our son's friends called us Hippies. We were just living a life we loved!

We Didn't Even Know We Were Homesteaders by Dickerdo Farm

As Mr. Dickerdo so eloquently put it, "I'm just a guy who likes to eat from my garden!" 

We are just a midlife couple who loves nature.

We love fresh food from the garden and knowing where our food comes from.

We've always had a love of herbs and learning (and using) natural remedies.

We've worn hemp for years (before it was cool)!

We've always looked for natural fibers to wear and use.

We've been composting for a long time.

We learned about alternative energy sources before it was cool!

We made many trips to the library to read magazines and books about this lifestyle.  That was before the Internet was even a thing! 

We've always been interested in artisan crafts and creating with our hands.

We've always loved traditional and pioneer cooking.

I guess we've been homesteaders all along. We just didn't know it!


I wonder how many others are homesteading and don't even know that's what they're doing!